Friday, October 29, 2010

cool triumph chopper!

needs no words....


hoping to do some molding and similar paint on my triumph...


Max, well know guy from oakland, who builds cool bikes
and rides them!
check out this cool video hem made, i copied it from his blog
he rode a loT of Miles together with friends!
from oakland ca, to brooklyn NY. and back!

-learn to travel- -travel to learn- from max schaaf on Vimeo.

riding skills!

I met robert in phoenix via jeremiah! Super cool dude!
and he can ride!!!!!!
when I was there the bike was in jeremiah backyard

Monday, October 25, 2010

60's & 70's

don't no were i found these pics
but many thanks to the one that put this pics on the www
if anyone knows a link or person, let me know!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

super triumph!!!

maybe not so good for the oil supply....
but love it, got the pics from

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

getting closer

with those forks getting closer to this 60's picture
and my mental picture...

longggg fork

My neck needs some adjustment and I need to shorten the fork a little bit...
in the weekend i will take a closer look.

Monday, October 18, 2010


looking for a 'dragrace' seat....for my triumph
anybody got something....?'

honda cb chopper

build by a buddy of mine, Jessy!
Nice JOB!

front end, long....

bought a front end all nice and shinny
100cm long, so i think I need to adjust the rake of the neck

also found some dog bone risers and an amal carb...

Sunday, October 10, 2010


some progress pics
still in search for some parts....
cilinder shape oil tank
girder front end
dog bone risers
... if anyone has something for sale let me know

Monday, October 4, 2010


as seen on the pic, I got this pic from the born loser blog. great blog with all kinds of cool parts and pictures.
as i look at the old pictures of old choppers, bobbers, drag bikes in the 60/70 magazines; these bikes look awesome!!the builders back than had a great 'chopper' mind and skills.
i could read those magazines forever. too bad they aren't available over here. I got a few from jeremiah as a gift when I left Arizona.

I hope to finish my triumph this spring, to ride it for the summer. and after that start a new project. saving almost 90% of my paycheck to fund this project and to buy a new project, hopefully an 60's ironhead or shovel.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

James Worthy

Just something for fun before the season starts....


my buddy ricardo managed to fire his bike up after some electrical issues...
needs some further tuning!
great job!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


visited the HD museum in Milwaukee in 2009!
One Word, Heaven! i could stay there for ever!!
in milwaukee met Warren from jr's cycle products and bacon from DC-Choppers, great Dudes!
Warren called a friend which gave me a tour behind the scene at the museum, Nice!